Sunday, October 14, 2007


Didn't get to see Jesse James yet, but indulged in some quality movie time with the boringly-named but awesomely directed Michael Clayton:

I realize when I watch movies like this, that I have a tendency of getting sucked in completely by the story, so I lose my third-person position of objectivity to analyze the story. Which left me thinking, "wait, so is he in the clear with his law firm?" when I left the theater. But, whatever. Some hard-earned self-reward at the end of a long day. I've found that a good way to get through the week (aside from lots of prayer and abandoning the outcome to God) is to have little rewards on the weekend. Like, friends coming in from out of town in the next few weekends, or movies, or watching football. Even though I'm tired, just catching up on sleep isn't enough to rejuvenate me; I need something for my mind to chew on that's not work-related.