Thursday, November 09, 2006


Anyone looking to get published should look into You can upload what you want to publish in simple MS Word format and a cover in .jpg, .gif, or .png, and they'll make it into a book for you. How cool is that? Other people can even buy your stuff. I am actually mulling over publishing my Master's project on Asian American Lit; it's the only thing I've written that is important enough to "publish." With 65 pages, it's thick enough to flesh out a book. Hmm.

In other news, my soccer team is on a 10 game unbeaten streak. I did not know that following a team that I cannot regularly watch live, on another continent, could be so fun. (Wait, this is exactly like fantasy football). The pageantry of European soccer is unequaled by anything in the States, except for maybe the NCAA basketball tournament or rivalry week in college football. The plethora of teams and levels in so many different countries lends itself to all sorts of interesting tournament formats like the Champions League, the UEFA Cup, and the Carling Cup, and that on top of the normal domestic schedule. There are lots of legitimate complaints about the Bears racking up wins on a easy schedule, but that can't really happen in European soccer; if you're good, then you'll have to prove it against very good clubs regularly. The Bears have maybe 4 games out of their 16 that are "big games," whereas a top flight English Premier League team has Champions League games (which is a round robin tournament), Premiership regular season games, Carling Cup matches, and FA Cup. Crazy. It's like playing 4 different seasons at once.

Unseasonably warm November. I can't believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I somehow have a month to get research papers prepped and done. Eeep.

Democratic Congress? Who cares. More of a slap in the face of the current administration than an endorsement for Democrats, I think. They ARE, who we THOUGHT they WERE!

One of my coworkers, on being told about the K-Fed/Brit split, said "I hate people like him! I hate people who advance socially without doing anything! Like Paris Hilton! I hate her!" I helpfully pointed out that people did it all the time in 14th century. I mean, so there's precedent.