Sunday, May 04, 2008

just in case you were wondering... and a list

Iron Man = awesome. Yet another sign that the summer has arrived. Bring on the Crystal Skull:

Top 5 comic book hero movies (outside of Iron Man):

1. Superman II
2. Batman
3. Batman Begins
4. Spider Man 2
5. X-Men United

Top 5 worst comic book movies ever made:

1. Catwoman
2. Punisher
3. Batman and Robin
4. Ghost Rider
5. The Shadow

We were talking about how there are no good comic book heroine movies, probably because the genre faces the same issue that the WNBA deals with: trying to gain credibility while avoiding over-objectification. Good luck, Wonder Woman. Really, every female character outside of costume dramas deals with this.

Hurry up summer!