Friday, June 09, 2006

hurray for summer weekends

"It is always the case that the greater the joy, the greater is the pain which precedes it. Why should this be, O Lord my God, when you are your own eternal joy, you are Joy itself and you are always surrounded by creatures which rejoice in you? Why is it that in this part of your creation which we know there is this ebb and flow of progress and retreat, of hurt and reconciliation? Is this the rhythm of our world? Is this what you prescribed when from the heights of heaven to the depths of the earth, from the first beginnings to the end of time, from the angel to the worm, from the first movement to the last, you allotted a proper place and a proper time to good things of every kind and to all your just works? How can I hope to understand the height and depth of you, from the greatest to the most lowly of your works? You never depart from us, yet it is hard for us to return to you."

--St. Augustine, Confessions

Also, they are making 24: The Movie. Tingk. TINGK. Tingk. TINGK.

Going to the game tonight. Hope to see a victory, even a flawed one, which seems to be a Sox trademark this season. At least I get to hang out with my dad.